Benefits of Chewing

Chewing gum has a variety of health benefits for the consumer. Chewing gum has become a common commodity, and the benefits of chewing have been forgotten. For a few crowns and minutes, you can take advantage of incredible benefits that will benefit your health. However, choose your gum wisely! Commonly available ones contain controversial additives such as aspartame, acesulfame K, sorbitol, various colorings, BHT, titanium dioxide – it’s better to avoid these ingredients.

Benefits of Chewing | Other Benefits of Chewing | More Details on Chewing Benefits | Article Sources

Don’t worry – chewing gums don’t destroy teeth or fillings as commonly believed. It’s one of the reasons why older people stop chewing. It’s just a myth. If you lose a filling, it’s not because of chewing gum. The filling might have been poorly made, or it could have been damaged by other influences.

To maximize the benefits of chewing, it’s essential to follow the rules specifying when and what to chew – find out more here > (this link will be available as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding.

Benefits of Chewing

  • increases saliva production, which rinses food residues from the teeth
  • chew sugar-free gum sweetened only with xylitol for at least 20 minutes immediately after eating or drinking – this will increase saliva flow, reduce the occurrence of cavities, and help enamel recover from acid attacks
  • sugar-free gums help with the neutralization of plaque acid damaging tooth enamel (assisting with dental hygiene)
  • it’s important to note that while sugar-free gums reduce the formation of dental plaque and mouth acidity, it’s considered only as a supplement to basic hygiene; it’s not considered the cornerstone of oral hygiene – you still need to clean your teeth (preferably with interdental brushes)
  • saves money on dentists, dental care, fixing cavities, buying medicines for various illnesses such as cough, cold, sore throat, gastrointestinal issues, abdominal pain, canker sores, etc.
  • eliminates dry mouth – it has been found that sugar-free gum stimulates saliva production and secretion, helping maintain the correct pH in the mouth. Every tenth person or maybe more suffers from dry mouth (according to statistics). When you have dry mouth, it may increase the occurrence of diseases. Chewing can help reduce the frequency of illnesses.
  • relieves muscle and psychological tension (acts against stress)

Other Benefits of Chewing

  • chewing, according to American scientists, can help get rid of excess calories
  • chewing throughout the day reduces the appetite for small meals between breakfast, lunch, and dinner (ideal for a slim figure or diet)
  • the cumulative result of most studies suggests that chewing gum can help reduce hunger and cravings, increase the feeling of fullness, and help you eat less. It may also help burn a few more calories per day. However, it’s not clear whether any of these effects lead to long-term weight loss. It depends on your approach. You can try it 😉
  • stimulates the production of gastric juices, so by chewing after meals, you’re helping not only with oral hygiene but also with stomach digestion
  • relieves tension caused by night teeth grinding, which causes morning stiffness of the chewing apparatus (muscles)
  • oxygenates the brain
  • increases concentration ability (better focus) and improves memory
  • keeps the oral cavity fresh
  • chewing helps alleviate heartburn
  • provides fresh breath (reduces bad breath) – at least initially 🙂
  • chewing accelerates blood circulation
  • promotes gum blood flow
  • chewing gum contains only 5-10 calories

More Details on Chewing Benefits

Smokers and Adolescents (Recommended for Adults)

Buying chewing gum is more popular among smokers as it eliminates unpleasant breath. Nicotine gums are very effective in helping nicotine-dependent smokers quit their addiction. They are also used by people with chronic digestive issues or other digestive problems (or other issues in the oral cavity). Chewing increases saliva production, which contributes to better oral cavity conditions.

Its higher popularity is also particularly among adolescents who crave a relationship with their significant other – fresh breath is therefore one of the main priorities. If we are already in a relationship, this need diminishes, although I would rather recommend continuing to use chewing gum. I know it’s a problematic topic in many relationships, which no one knows how to solve – but just buy chewing gum and use it when the situation is appropriate.

If you know of any other chewing benefits, I’ll be glad if you send them to me – I’ll be happy to add them to the list.

Article Sources

    • Book – The Story of Chewing Gum by Jiří Polák, Miroslav Nikl (Chewing Gum Story)

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