Chewing Reduces Stress

Research shows that chewing can reduce stress (at work – work stress and generally outside), fatigue, anxiety, and can even help with depression. Chewing can also lead to a more positive mood. I know it is, I have experienced it myself many times.

Reduction of Stress Reactions | Supplementary Therapy | Tension and Stress Relief | Ways to Relieve Stress

Chewing Reduces Stress

An intervention study was conducted to examine the effects of chewing gum on work-related stress and related outcomes. The study involved 101 volunteers from Cardiff University (Wales). The results showed that chewing gum reduced stress at work and outside, decreased fatigue, anxiety, and depression, and led to a more positive mood. Chewing gum was also associated with perceptions of better performance (both at work and outside).

Chewing Gum Can Alleviate Stress Reactions

Additional study results indicate that chewing gum can alleviate stress reactions – achieving this effect requires a high chewing performance. According to the experience of the Wrigley company, many people reach for gum when overwhelmed with work and need to concentrate.

Supplementary Therapy

Chewing gum can be effective supplementary therapy for patients with mild to moderate depression. Smith et al. (2012) conducted a study on the impact of chewing gum on stress in college students and found that perceived stress decreases depending on the amount of gum chewed.

Gums Help Remove Tension and Stress

Under normal circumstances, the brain contains a substance called dopamine, which helps transmit information between nerve cells. Dopamine is released in certain parts of the brain during natural pleasurable activities. Under increased pressure, the dopamine level decreases, leading to stress.

Chewing gum can regulate and even increase dopamine levels in the brain. Research using EEG during gum chewing has shown an increase in alpha amplitude, i.e., tension and anxiety relief and increased brain activity. This results in reducing stress levels and, at the same time, relieving nervous energy – i.e., quickly socially acceptable venting of anger and irritability.

Chewing helps unlock nervousness, accumulated energy, and pressure. Chewing a small piece of gum can also reduce tension.

This is likely also the reason why American coaches vigorously chew gum or chew tobacco during hockey or baseball games.

Chewing is a simple and effective way to reduce tension.

How to Reduce Stress and Tension?

  • Learn to relax
  • Anticipate stressful situations
  • Set priorities – tackle more challenging tasks before less demanding ones
  • Communicate with colleagues, don’t avoid them
  • Resolve conflicts calmly
  • Think optimistically
  • Learn to praise yourself (and not be so dependent on external praise)
  • Learn to say no (assertive behavior)
  • Be yourself (listen to yourself)
  • Smile
  • Chew gum

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